IEA HEV Task 30 „Environmental Effects of EVs”
In 2016 Austria and JOANNEUM RESEARCH initiated IEA HEV Task 30 „environmental effects of electric vehicles” which performs environmental evaluations of electric vehicles. As is internationally accepted, the only method for the assessment of the environmental advantage of electric vehicles is life cycle analysis (LCA). General research objectives are the development and harmonization of the method, the validation of the databases, and the communication of the results to stakeholders in management, economics and research.
In Task 30 four expert workshops will be organized to follow the latest international developments, to improve the methods for environmental reviews using LCA, and to discuss and disseminate.
Electric vehicles have the potential to substitute for conventional vehicles to contribute to the sustainable development of the transportation sector worldwide, for example, in the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) and particle emissions. There is international consensus that the improvement of the sustainability of electric vehicles can only be analysed on the basis of life cycle assessment (LCA), which includes the production, operation, and the end-of-life treatment of the vehicles and the fuel cycle. All environmental impacts must include the whole value chain and – if relevant – interactions from recycling in the dismantling phase to the production phase, if recycled material is used to produce new vehicles.
The following workshop topics are proposed:
1. Effects of EVs on water (emissions into the water, waste water, „Water footprint“ by EVs) – Austria 2017 (already held);
2. Effects of EVs on air (local emissions of PM, NOx and CxHy, impacts on human health, non-energy-related emissions from tires and brakes) – Germany 2018;
3. Effects of EVs on land use – resources – waste (land use, demand for renewable and fossil resources, recycling) – USA, 2019; and
4. Overall environmental impact of EVs and its evaluation (comparison and evaluation of different impact categories, single-score methods, involvement of stakeholders) – Spain, 2020
- Project management
- Environmental assessment and expert workshops
- Networking and dissemination
"Using additional renewable electricity and substituting conventional ICE vehicle can maximise the environmental benefits of battery electric vehicles in a life cycle perspective"
– Gerfried Jungmeier –
The members in this Task compile a list of environmental benefits and impacts of EVs with the goal to increase their overall acceptance by providing facts and figures on the environmental effects of EVs. Thus, numerous advantages of EVs compared to conventional vehicles are shown. These results help the industry and government to support the further development and employment of EVs in all transport modes. The results document and summarize the state of current knowledge and future challenges (incl. methodologies and case studies) on
• effects of electric vehicles on water,
• effects of electric vehicles on air,
• effects of electric vehicles on land use – resources – waste,
• overall environmental effects and their assessment of EVs, and
• R&D demand.
In addition to these technical and scientific results, also a framework for communication strategies to stakeholders and dissemination activities (e.g. proceedings, reports, papers, notes, presentations) are made available.
In the previous annual IEA HEV reports the results on water and air are already documented.
ProjektleitungGerfried Jungmeier,
Schlagwörterbattery electric vehicles, IEA Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, LCA
Förderprogramme! - 4th call
Dauer01.2018 - 12.2020